Our Quest For The Best Lenses

Black glasses held in front of blurry background

When thinking of your next spectacle purchase, it can be a difficult decision where to buy: a major chain, on-line or at an independent optometry office.

Everyone has different tastes, budgets and needs, so it’s important to choose the correct option for you.

We recommend that you look beyond the simple headline offers and promotions and choose the option that will provide you with the best overall experience, and address your optical requirements.

Until recently, changes in optics have been slow. In 1784 Benjamin Franklin invented the first "bifocal lens". By 1907 the first patent of a progressive style of lens was registered. It wasn’t until 1972 that a very crude progressive emerged on the retail market. However since the 1990’s and the technological boom, lenses have really advanced, taking advantage of digital designs and newer manufacturing processes which allow for a far greater experience in vision and comfort.

This gives the customer so much more choice in terms of design benefits and coating features allowing better clarity and health protection as well

as thinner and lighter lens options.

All this innovation has the potential to be disruptive, so it is vital that the optical profession understands the impact of these developments so that people can be well informed about their optical choices and avoid drowning in a sea of sameness.

​It’s worth remembering that value isn’t always about saving as many dollars as possible but is more about your overall eye health, and correction of your visual needs.

With that in mind as an independent practice we have access to all frame trends and lenses on the market. We at Della Optique are constantly keeping up to date with all new innovations in the optical market place, as well as how new digital technology from smartphones and iPads to computers directly affects your vision and health.

​Standing still in any profession means being left behind, which is not an option.

The easy route is to think "How will these changes affect me?" rather than "What opportunities and benefits will this mean for our patients?" This is mirrored in our Mission Statement.

​At Della Optique we are independent lens specialists. We seek the very best lenses and we offer state of the art digital technology from the world's leading lens manufacturers to ensure our clientele has the best possible lens option.

Our main concern is to ensure you have a great experience and the right vision care solution. We will take the time to educate you about your eyes and your eye care product, so that you can make informed decisions about your visual health.

We believe in creating an eye care experience that will help you see in the best way possible.

Phil Trickett

Phil is our frame and lens specialist. He is from Yorkshire, England, and graduated as a Dispensing Optician from the Bradford Institute of Science and Technology in 1990.


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