Find Your Perfect Contact Lenses with Our Eye Experts

Find the proper fit: At our Vancouver clinic, optometrists recommend the solution that makes the most sense for you.

Some people prefer wearing eyeglasses and others prefer contact lenses. In some cases, people alternate between the two options for a vision correction solution that best suits their lifestyle and needs.

At our Vancouver clinic, optometrists recommend the solution that makes the most sense for you.

Whether you choose to wear contact lenses some of the time or all of the time, it is important that you get the proper fit and contact lens education.

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The Importance of an Eye Exam

At Della Optique, we start with an eye exam. We believe that eye exams should be as routine as your yearly physical exam. Your vision changes over time. Your eyeglass or contact lens prescription should change with it.

Through an eye exam, our optometrist will be able to assess the current state of your eye health; address any issues or concerns and; make suitable recommendations for vision correction.

Our optometrists examine the eyelids, eyelashes, sclera, conjunctiva, cornea and lenses. We will assess the health of the optic nerve, retina, blood vessels and peripheral areas for a comprehensive eye exam. This way we can rule out any possible reasons for contact lenses being incompatible with you.

An eye exam at Della Optique may also include a review of your vision prescription as well as a contact lens consultation. Through these steps, we can check for anything that could cause discomfort when wearing contacts and can ensure a proper fit.

A Contact Lens Consultation

Beyond health factors, when identifying the type of contacts you need, we take your lifestyle into consideration.

This will determine how often you will need to replace your contact lenses and if we need to make any further recommendations in order to provide you with an optimal contact lens experience.

Additionally, our optometrist will take measurements. This is an essential step in the contact lens consultation. The wrong fit could cause discomfort at best and serious eye damage at worst.

During the consultation, we will measure and evaluate the following:

  • Corneal curvature

  • Pupil size

  • Tear film

Once we determine the best contact lenses for your eyes, our optometrist may provide you with a sample pair to try on before placing an order. At this point, we will provide contact lens care and safety instructions which include how to best insert and remove the lenses; how long you can wear them for; when they should not be worn, and; how to store them. 


What Our Clients Are Saying:

Why It's Unsafe to Order Contact Lenses Online

Online shopping is convenient. But as tempting as it may be to order your contacts online, we do not recommend it for the following reasons:​

  1. The contact lenses that you need depend on your particular eye prescription, measurements, eye health and lifestyle. These can only be determined after an eye exam with an optometrist.

  2. Contact lenses need to be produced in a facility that is verified as sanitary by Health Canada. Many online shops are not regulated.

  3. Online retailers do not provide education that is customized to the wearer.

  4. There are many online companies where quality is compromised. When it comes to your eyes, taking a gamble is not smart. The convenience of online shopping can cost you your vision. It is always safest to visit your local optometrist to order your contact lenses.

If you are considering contact lenses, book an eye exam to find the best vision correction solution for you.